Article: "A Flip of a Coin Brought Brian Atchley to West Hollywood"

Just published on! In an interview, Silo118 artist Brian Atchley tells how he flipped a coin to decide whether to move to Los Angeles or Miami from Chicago. (It was in Chicago that he started painting - after salvaging a canvas he found in a dumpster.) He also describes his background and the artistic process behind his hyper-realistic works:

“I come from photography. That’s been my background and a lot of what I see in my art … looking at where the light is coming from. Where is the light focused? Where are your mid-tones? … Where is your blackest of black, and why is it here? All those questions I try to answer before I start a painting. They are all things that I asked myself when I developed photos in the darkroom, when I used to. So I’m very much informed by my experience as a photographer.”

“For me it’s when it looks as detailed or even more detailed sometimes than the photograph it’s referencing … There’s a certain craftsmanship. When I see an artist’s paintings that are hyper-real or just photo-real or whatever, I can see the blood and sweat that went into creating it. There’s something impressive about it.”

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